This purchase loan provided acquisition funds to acquire a portfolio of 5 affordable housing apartment buildings.
Affordable Housing – For many disadvantaged, working and lower income families, homeownership is out of reach. The benefit of affordable housing is in its ability to enable families to have the opportunity to live in communities close to work, education, and affordable transportation, while making provision for those most at-risk in our society. Source: Affordable Housing News
Here are the loan details:
This purchase loan provided acquisition funds to acquire a portfolio of 5 affordable housing apartment buildings.
Mulit-Family Buildings
Purpose – Investment
Loan-to-Value (As Is) – 63%
First Trust Deed
60 Month Term
Principal & Interest Payments
Los Angeles County, CALIFORNIA
PRINCIPAL AMOUNT: $1,700,000.00
For more information on our Hard Money Loans or Trust Deed Investments, call our office at 714.838.1474 ext. 102 or visit