A Hard Money Loan Closed On An Investment property in Rialto, CA 92376
A hard money loan closed on an investment property in Rialto, CA 92376.
This Standard purchase loan against a new construction SFR provided acquisition funds for the borrowers’ real estate investment portfolio.
Rialto is a city in San Bernardino County, California, located in the heart of Southern California’s Inland Empire, and was incorporated in 1911, but can trace its roots to the 15th century when the Serrano Indians settled in the region. Rialto’s population grew from 3,156 in 1950 to over 103,526 as of the 2019 U.S. Census. Centrally located with convenient transit and freeway access, Rialto offers residents, businesses and commuters shorter travel times and direct connections to the region’s economic centers and world-class cultural, entertainment and recreational venues. Nearby Ontario International Airport.
Residential SFR.
Purpose – Acquisition / Investment
Loan-to-Value (As Is): 65%
First Trust Deed
1 Year Term
Principle & Interest Payments
San Bernardino County, CALIFORNIA
For more information on our Hard Money Loans or Trust Deed Investments, call our office at 714.838.1474 ext. 102 or visit our:www.hanovermc.com