A hard money loan closed on an income producing property in San Diego, CA 92105
A hard money loan closed on an income producing property in San Diego, CA 92105.
This working capital loan against a Condo provided funds for the REHAB of investment owned properties to transition them into short-term rentals.
San Diego is a city on the Pacific coast of California known for its beaches, parks and warm climate. Immense Balboa Park is the site of the renowned San Diego Zoo, as well as numerous art galleries, artist studios, museums and gardens. A deep harbor is home to a large active naval fleet, with the USS Midway, an aircraft-carrier-turned-museum, open to the public. San Diego is California's second largest city and the United States' eighth largest. San Diego County encompasses 18 incorporated cities and numerous other charming neighborhoods and communities.
Residential Condominium.
Purpose – Working Capital
Loan-to-Value (As Is): 42%
First Trust Deed
5 YearTerm
Principle & Interest Payments
San Diego County, CALIFORNIA
For more information on our Hard Money Loans or Trust Deed Investments, call our office at 714.838.1474 ext. 102 or visit our:www.hanovermc.com