A Hard Money Blanket Loan Closed On An Income Producing Property In Clearlake, CA 95422
This cash-out refinance loan against an investment Duplex and Vacant lot provided investment capital to buy investment property.
Geologists believe that Clear Lake may be the oldest lake in North America, with lakes existing at its site for approximately 2.5 million years. Clear Lake was born when a huge landslide dammed the headwaters of Cold Creek, blocking westward water flow into the Russian River. Water filled the level valley. The rising waters eventually found an outlet in Cache Creek, which drained eastward into the Sacramento River.
Residential Duplex & Vacant Lot
Refinance, Cash-out
Purpose – Investment Capital
Loan-to-Value (As Is): 60%
First Trust Deed
60 Month Term
Principle & Interest Payments
For more information on our Hard Money Loans or Trust Deed Investments, call our office at 714.838.1474 ext. 102 or visit our:www.hanovermc.com