A hard money loan closed on a SFR in the City of Los Angeles (Reseda Area), CA.
This purchase loan provided acquisition funds for an investment property.
Neighborhood Spotlight: Founded in 1912, Reseda is a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, California. Fixed in the mind of all as a suburb, Reseda is denser than Chinatown or the Fairfax district, with 60,000 people living along the boulevards and avenues that crisscross its 6 square miles. That’s a remarkable figure, considering that just within living memory fewer than 5,000 people called the neighborhood home. Reseda has become an avatar for American suburbanization, and filmmakers and musicians will probably continue to mine meaning from its story for decades to come ― LA Times.
Residential SFR
Purpose – Acquisition
Loan-to-Value (AS IS): 59%
First Trust Deed
24 Month Term
Principle and Interest Payments
Los Angeles County, CALIFORNIA